Presidential Race 2024: Economic Struggles and Urban Challenges at the Forefront

Jun 08, 24 Presidential Race 2024: Economic Struggles and Urban Challenges at the Forefront

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As the 2024 presidential race intensifies, both Joe Biden and Donald Trump face a complex and volatile electorate shaped by economic difficulties and urban decay. The race is characterized by contrasting narratives and strategies, each aiming to address the pressing concerns of American voters. Economic Struggles Dominate Voter Concerns Economic issues are paramount in the minds of voters this election cycle. Rising prices for food, rent, and mortgages have created a financial strain for many households. Despite government data suggesting economic recovery and job growth, the reality for many Americans is a persistent struggle to keep up with rising costs. This economic disconnect presents a formidable challenge for Biden, who must reconcile positive economic indicators with the lived experiences of voters. According to Jeremy Zogby, managing partner of the independent polling and telephone survey service, John Zogby Strategies, other voter concerns include the abortion climate, crime, and immigration. Navigating Perceptions Biden’s administration must navigate the tricky terrain of economic messaging. Highlighting positive economic data without acknowledging the financial struggles of everyday Americans risks being perceived as disconnected from reality. Voters who feel their economic hardships are dismissed may become increasingly skeptical of Biden’s message, seeing it as a form of gaslighting. Urban Exodus and Public Safety Significant voter migration away from major cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Portland is another crucial issue. High crime rates and drug problems have driven many residents to seek safer environments in other states. This urban exodus underscores broader concerns about public safety and quality of life, which both candidates must address convincingly to win voter trust. Democrats’ Strategic Dilemma For the Democrats, the key strategic challenge is to balance the presentation of positive economic data with a genuine acknowledgment of voters’ struggles. Relying solely on statistical improvements can alienate voters who feel economically insecure. Instead, Biden’s campaign needs to emphasize empathy and propose concrete solutions to address these economic and social issues. Trump’s Advantage and Challenges Trump’s campaign, meanwhile, leverages dissatisfaction with the current...

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How Digital Marketing Can Keep You Ahead of Competition

Oct 17, 21 How Digital Marketing Can Keep You Ahead of Competition

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Perhaps you’ve thought about digital marketing and wondered whether this would be beneficial to your company. The Internet has definitely changed the way the world does business and it’s an exciting force of nature. Is Digital Marketing Really Worth the Expense? Did you know that there are thousands of people online looking for your products and/or services each week? But how to reach those folks with your message…that’s the big question. You want every dollar you spend on marketing to count! You want to make sure those dollars are being spent effectively, right? Below, Javier Loya CEO of OTC Global Holdings explains more thoroughly. How Does Digital Marketing Work? Digital marketing is now using smartphones quite a bit more. In the U.S. alone, 230 million people own a smartphone. A large percentage of those users find products and services on their phones. A new survey shows that 79 percent of those users will make a purchase using their phone. This has become an exciting new area for digital marketing experts. Sell Around the World Business owners can now sell their products and services to just about anyone around the globe. Let’s say for instance that your company sells printing and a man in Hong Kong will need some brochures printed in English for his upcoming convention. Utilizing Digital marketing, you can easily reach this potential customer. He sees your ad online and clicks on a hyperlink and within moments he is searching through your products and price list. Your entire transaction can be handled via email with very little phone calling. This offers you an opportunity to not only make a sale but also develop business relationships outside the United States. An Untapped Resource Javier Loya recently commented, saying, “Digital Marketing is an untapped resource for many business owners. It might be one of the best investments you can make. It can turn your small or medium sized company into an international production. It can give your sales that extra boost they’ve so desperately...

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Guidelines for Creating a Wikipedia Page for a Company

Jan 24, 17 Guidelines for Creating a Wikipedia Page for a Company

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Blog Submitted by Pierre Zarokian Summary: There are a variety of guidelines you must follow in order to get your page to stick. Having a Wikipedia page for your company can be an effective way to improve your overall SEO. However, there are some strict guidelines that you must adhere to if you want your page to stick. This guide will help you get started. What to Keep in Mind Before you start writing content for your page, you’ll need to brush up on the do’s and don’ts. The editors at Wikipedia take each page seriously, so be sure you adhere to their instructions. You’ll need viable sources that provide legitimate proof backing your content. The editors want to see substantial evidence that what you’re saying is actually true. If people have written about your company on the Internet, they need to be trusted sources that have some sort of reputable status. Forget Advertising Wikipedia is not a place to advertise your services or products. Any hint of this will get your page instantly deleted and all the hard work you’ve put in will go to waste. Don’t promote your business. Rather, write about the notable accomplishments and history of your business – but be sure to back it with sources. Search for Online Articles or Posts As stated above, you’ll want to search the Internet for sites that have written about your company. It’s important to do this prior to starting so you know what you can include and what you can’t. Sure, your company might have done some impressive things but if you can’t prove it to the editors, they’ll basically have to take your word for it – and they won’t. Blog Submitted by Pierre Zarokian. Does your company need a Wikipedia page detailing the achievements of your company? Leave it to Pierre’s company at Submit Express. With decades of experience on their side, you’ll be in good...

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Tips To Improve Your PPC Campaign

Jun 30, 16 Tips To Improve Your PPC Campaign

Posted by in Marketing, SEO

Article by Pierrr Zarokian PPC, or “pay per click”, is an instantaneous way of getting consumers in front of your products and services. However, PPC campaigns are challenging. Tweaking them to run smoothly is an art. If you’re having trouble with your PPC campaign, here are a few tips to help get you on the right path. Know How to Scale Any digital ad agency will tell you: start your campaigns on a small budget to test the waters. Starting a campaign with a huge budget, not knowing what will convert, is a rookie mistake that could cost your business way more than what your were expecting. Increase the budget slowly after you know what’s generating leads and sales. Tracking It’s possible to run a campaign without tracking, but it’s nearly impossible to cut costs and increase profits without knowing what ads are getting clicks and conversions. A digital advertising agency will setup a tracking code for every campaign that they’re testing to see what ads attract clicks and what ads turn those clicks into leads and sales. So if you aren’t tracking your campaigns, you need to get started doing so today. Split Testing Getting into the habit of split testing ads to see which ad performs the best is another practice that digital agencies partake in to get the best results for their campaigns. When you find an ad that converts well, test another ad against it to try and increase your conversions even further. In time, you’ll see your daily ad spend start to drop and your income grow. Author’s Bio:   Pierre Zarokian is a PPC and SEO digital marketing expert out of Los Angeles. He runs a Reputation Management Company called Reputation Stars. You can contact him from these links for further...

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How to Get a Post Removed from

Mar 06, 15 How to Get a Post Removed from

Posted by in Business Services, Consulting, Marketing

By Pierre Zarokian from Reputation Stars Nik Ritchie, known partier and exposer of dirt, started to try and out people in his local community for the rotten things they do. It was meant to help warn people of an incoming disaster, but the site does a poor job moderating content and posts almost everything someone says. Some of that information amounts to slander, but TheDirty uses the Communications Decency Act to get away with their illicit activities. If you’ve been listed on TheDirty, here is what you need to do to get your posting removed. DMCA and Legal Approaches Most smaller websites are scared of legal action, which makes a DMCA an effective tool for removing something online if the webmaster is a single person without much money. TheDirty is a much larger operation and is prepared for legal battles. Nik Ritchie even publicizes them. Don’t make the situation worse by letting TheDirty publicly air your complaints even further, and forget the DMCA. You would be lucky if Nik Ritchie responded at all. Nik Ritchie is still protected by the CDA because he posts content written by others. The only time Ritchie has ever lost a legal challenge over this was the time he added his own comments to the content in question. However, there is a proprietary and legal method practiced by our legal team. TheDirty is a bit more responsive to legal action than Ripoff Report, but you cannot simply file a complaint and have the posting removed. If you need assistance removing a post from TheDirty, contact our reputation management firm...

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How to Manage Negative Reputation

Feb 16, 15 How to Manage Negative Reputation

Posted by in Marketing

By Pierre Zarokian of RepEngage Your reputation means more than just the opinions of people around you. Companies like Google and Yelp struggle with a basic problem: how to determine the authenticity of a person. Reputation management is commonly employed to fight off a crisis, that’s true, but it’s also useful when you want to grow a brand or distinguish your name from someone else’s. Here are some tips to help manage your reputation. Remove Unwanted Content The first step in managing your reputation is to get whatever unfavorable content exists off the Internet. The basic route to do this is using a DMCA notice, which allows you to essentially claim a copyright on content that involves you. This doesn’t always work, which can sometimes mean a legal method is required to get the content removed. This is costly, and doesn’t always come with a guarantee. A better, and more cost effective approach, is to address the problems within the review (if any real complaints exist) and build up your image further. Create Profiles The next step in building your brand is to claim the real estate associated with it. Start claiming social profiles and YouTube channels related to your name and your brand. Don’t leave them idle; construct a plan to post content regularly. Make it interesting and try to get your ideas to go viral on social media. This does an effective job at switching focus away from the crisis towards more positive aspects of your business. Become an Expert Solidify yourself as an expert with thoughtful and timely content on high-profile blogs and websites. Start applying to write for places like Forbes, Wired and Wall Street Journal. These sources are looking for business professionals to bring more commentary to their publications. That presents you with an excellent chance to establish what you know, and talk more about your products and...

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