How to interview your next PPC expert

Feb 17, 18 How to interview your next PPC expert

As the returns from PPC campaigns surge thanks to increased Google Search traffic and Google’s traffic acquisition increases, it is becoming more important to hire a PPC consultant to handle your organization’s campaigns. However, unless you know the field well, it’s not easy to determine the right candidate when everyone throws the same buzzwords around. Here are some questions that you can ask for gauge their level of knowledge and if they are the right fit for your firm:

Quality Score

Keywords, Ad text, and landing page relevance are three components that make up the Google Quality Score. How do you improve the score? By using smaller Ad groups, that target few keywords, which are relevant to the landing page. A good PPC expert will know this, know how to improve yours, and know when the score is not important.

Google Auction

Knowing the Google Auction process is critical to getting the most of your campaign. Here are three stages of the process that a PPC expert should know:

When a user enters a search, AdWords pulls all the ads whose keywords match that particular search.

From the ads, any that aren’t eligible, such as ads that target a different country or have been disapproved, will be ignored.

From the ads remaining, only those with a high enough Ad Rank will show results.


Another simple question that stumps a lot of ‘experts’ is how Google calculated the click-through rate of an Ad. It is a basic question that everyone should know. The formula is simple: The total number of clicks divided by the total number of impressions = click-through rate.