If you are screening potential employees, then checking credit reports may be something that you need to do. If you hire someone without the full knowledge of who they are and what they have done, then you could be hiring a jewel thief to run security for your jewelry store, or a convicted murderer out on parole to help you polish your guns after every showing.
. In which case, it may be a good idea to do a full tenant credit check, as well as instituting an applicant screening process, in order to make sure that the person you having living or working with you is the person that they tell you they are. This is especially important in any high level security work, or if you are hiring someone who must be around expensive items such as jewelry or high profile products such as guns.
These types of things are need to know for people in lines of work where the types of people you hire is directly impacting the types of jobs that you are getting done, as well as the actually success of the store itself. You want to make sure that the people you hire are trustworthy and honest, but you also want to have a fall back just in case your aren’t sure that they are being forthcoming toward you. So protect yourself and others, and get a background check done before you make a huge mistake!