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Google Rich Results: A short primer

Google Rich Results: A short primer Posted by on Aug 3, 2018

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Reflecting on the Recent Attempt on Donald Trump: A Critical Examination of Leadership and National Rhetoric...

Reflecting on the Recent Attempt on Donald Trump: A Critical Examination of Leadership and National Rhetoric Posted by on Jul 13, 2024

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Reflecting on the Recent Attempt on Donald Trump: A Critical Examination of Leadership and National Rhetoric

Jul 13, 24 Reflecting on the Recent Attempt on Donald Trump: A Critical Examination of Leadership and National Rhetoric

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Over the weekend, the United States faced a distressing event: an assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump. This incident is more than a personal tragedy; it exposes deeper issues within our political and societal systems. It underscores a fundamental concern: the right for individuals to seek public office and participate in political activities without fearing for their safety. The Personal and Democratic Significance of Political Violence The attack on Trump is a severe blow to democratic values. Regardless of one’s opinion on Trump, Biden, or any other political figure, such violence is unacceptable. It undermines the democratic process and inflicts considerable harm on those directly involved and their families. Underlying Issues in the Political Environment This attempt reflects a troubling trend in American politics—what can be described as a “disease” of extreme partisanship and toxic rhetoric. While the majority of Americans strive for stability and peace, isolated extremists may exploit this volatile environment to commit violent acts. The individual behind this attack appears to have acted alone, but the broader issue of firearm access—evident in states like Pennsylvania, where gun purchases can be made with minimal oversight—raises serious concerns about public safety. Debating Gun Control and the Second Amendment The conversation around gun control is highly polarized. Some argue for stricter regulations to prevent violence, while others stress the importance of preserving Second Amendment rights. This debate should not overshadow the need for practical regulations that balance safety with constitutional rights. The ease of acquiring guns in certain states, like Pennsylvania, contributes to ongoing safety concerns. The Current State of Political Discourse The political climate today is marked by a decline in meaningful dialogue. Leaders from both major parties have fostered an environment of hostility and division. Extreme rhetoric and partisan attacks have created a culture where opponents are often demonized rather than engaged in productive discussion. There is increasing sentiment that both President Biden and former President Trump should step aside for younger leadership. This view suggests that the current generation of...

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Presidential Race 2024: Economic Struggles and Urban Challenges at the Forefront

Jun 08, 24 Presidential Race 2024: Economic Struggles and Urban Challenges at the Forefront

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As the 2024 presidential race intensifies, both Joe Biden and Donald Trump face a complex and volatile electorate shaped by economic difficulties and urban decay. The race is characterized by contrasting narratives and strategies, each aiming to address the pressing concerns of American voters. Economic Struggles Dominate Voter Concerns Economic issues are paramount in the minds of voters this election cycle. Rising prices for food, rent, and mortgages have created a financial strain for many households. Despite government data suggesting economic recovery and job growth, the reality for many Americans is a persistent struggle to keep up with rising costs. This economic disconnect presents a formidable challenge for Biden, who must reconcile positive economic indicators with the lived experiences of voters. According to Jeremy Zogby, managing partner of the independent polling and telephone survey service, John Zogby Strategies, other voter concerns include the abortion climate, crime, and immigration. Navigating Perceptions Biden’s administration must navigate the tricky terrain of economic messaging. Highlighting positive economic data without acknowledging the financial struggles of everyday Americans risks being perceived as disconnected from reality. Voters who feel their economic hardships are dismissed may become increasingly skeptical of Biden’s message, seeing it as a form of gaslighting. Urban Exodus and Public Safety Significant voter migration away from major cities like New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Portland is another crucial issue. High crime rates and drug problems have driven many residents to seek safer environments in other states. This urban exodus underscores broader concerns about public safety and quality of life, which both candidates must address convincingly to win voter trust. Democrats’ Strategic Dilemma For the Democrats, the key strategic challenge is to balance the presentation of positive economic data with a genuine acknowledgment of voters’ struggles. Relying solely on statistical improvements can alienate voters who feel economically insecure. Instead, Biden’s campaign needs to emphasize empathy and propose concrete solutions to address these economic and social issues. Trump’s Advantage and Challenges Trump’s campaign, meanwhile, leverages dissatisfaction with the current...

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How Digital Marketing Can Keep You Ahead of Competition

Oct 17, 21 How Digital Marketing Can Keep You Ahead of Competition

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Perhaps you’ve thought about digital marketing and wondered whether this would be beneficial to your company. The Internet has definitely changed the way the world does business and it’s an exciting force of nature. Is Digital Marketing Really Worth the Expense? Did you know that there are thousands of people online looking for your products and/or services each week? But how to reach those folks with your message…that’s the big question. You want every dollar you spend on marketing to count! You want to make sure those dollars are being spent effectively, right? Below, Javier Loya CEO of OTC Global Holdings explains more thoroughly. How Does Digital Marketing Work? Digital marketing is now using smartphones quite a bit more. In the U.S. alone, 230 million people own a smartphone. A large percentage of those users find products and services on their phones. A new survey shows that 79 percent of those users will make a purchase using their phone. This has become an exciting new area for digital marketing experts. Sell Around the World Business owners can now sell their products and services to just about anyone around the globe. Let’s say for instance that your company sells printing and a man in Hong Kong will need some brochures printed in English for his upcoming convention. Utilizing Digital marketing, you can easily reach this potential customer. He sees your ad online and clicks on a hyperlink and within moments he is searching through your products and price list. Your entire transaction can be handled via email with very little phone calling. This offers you an opportunity to not only make a sale but also develop business relationships outside the United States. An Untapped Resource Javier Loya recently commented, saying, “Digital Marketing is an untapped resource for many business owners. It might be one of the best investments you can make. It can turn your small or medium sized company into an international production. It can give your sales that extra boost they’ve so desperately...

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Why uptime matters in web hosting

Oct 06, 19 Why uptime matters in web hosting

Posted by in Web Development & Hosting

Article by Rack Alley As you’re looking for a web host who can handle your website, a common promise you might hear is a guarantee of 99% uptime or higher. That word may seem like meaningless jargon at first, but uptime is actually a very simple and important concept. Uptime is simply the amount of time your website is “up” or accessible to other users. When your site is inaccessible because of errors, hosting issues, or similar problems, it is in “downtime.” And downtime can be costly for several reasons. For a website that sells products, downtime can mean a loss of customers and revenue, because all of your potential new customers can’t buy anything if they can’t access your site. In 2018, Amazon’s website was down for one hour, and it was estimated that they lost up to $100 million in sales. No business is too big or too small to be affected by the costs of downtime. Furthermore, if your business practices and employee communication are tied to a website, your company’s ability to get things done will take a hit as well. Also, your search engine rankings might drop and your ad revenue might be suspended if your website is down for an extended period of time. This is why it’s so important to find a trustworthy and dependable web hosting service to host your site. Web hosting services with high-quality hardware, backup power and data, and dedicated technical support will improve your site’s uptime, making sure you aren’t losing those profits. ______________________________________________________________ Rack Alley is a Los Angeles web hosting company. They provide colocation services, dedicated servers, cloud hosting, and shared...

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Dispelling Myths of Executive Coaching

Jun 02, 19 Dispelling Myths of Executive Coaching

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Article submitted by Herb Kimble An executive coach helps you realize your best self. They don’t teach tricks, and they don’t teach manipulation. They help you understand the value you bring to the organization. Yet some myths persist and executive coaching sometimes gets a bad reputation. If you’re on the fence, then dispelling these common myths might help push you to one side or the other. Coaching only Adds Value to the Less Confident Coaching brings value to anyone who has ever felt anxiety over the choices they’ve made. It’s an action that improves our experience, and guides us toward finding the answers we need to success. A coach isn’t someone who has all the answers. They’re an objective third-party that can help you find the path you need to achieve success in your life. Coaching is Just Motivating Every coach is also a motivator, but that’s not all they do. A coach isn’t a simple self-help book in human form. They help their clients adopt a self-reflective mindset that acknowledges both success and failure. They make your success feel like the victory it is, and they help turn failure into another stepping stone toward success. Coaches Teach Tricks Those who dismiss coaching as useless tend to think coaching is about teaching tricks to clients. They think a good coach teaches you how to manipulate others into doing what you want. That mindset isn’t about building or learning, it’s about control. A good coach will be the first to tell you the path to success is controlling yourself. They don’t use cliched thinking, they offer personalized solutions to the challenges you face. Bio: Herb Kimble is both an entrepreneur and a film and television producer. His roots as an accomplished actor gave him a passion for the arts. Today, Herb Kimble is co-founder of CineFocus Productions and launching Urban Flix, an inclusive streaming company based in Los...

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User Interface design basics

Apr 10, 19 User Interface design basics

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A lot of works goes into user interface design and whenever you see a great user interface, or one that is intuitive, chances are that a lot of work went into making something that looks simple on the surface. The basic crux behind user interface design is to create an interface that is easy for the user to understand and use, anticipating the many things the user might want to do. There are some absolutely basics that all UI design should follow. Here are a few from Rack Alley: KISS The famous adage: Keep It Simple Stupid applies here. Simplify the interface as much as possible without compromising on usability. Mark labels clearly and remove any unnecessary elements. You will also keep the load down on your LA web hosting without the extra clutter. Consistency Most user interfaces will have multiple screens or pages. It is important to maintain consistency between all those pages/screens while keeping the content unique. The key lesson here is that once the user understands how your interface works, that same lesion should apply across the entire property. Colors Use colors and texture to your advantage instead of simply for branding or design. For example, using a red button when you need the user to act greatly increases the chances of getting a click and drawing attention to the button. Defaults Use common defaults that are native to the medium you use. For example, on some interfaces, a menu on top of the page is common, while on iPhones, navigation at the bottom of the app is common. Use these defaults and avoid forcing your users to learn a new...

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Google Rich Results: A short primer

Aug 03, 18 Google Rich Results: A short primer

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Google combined the naming structure for the rich snippets, rich cards, and enriched results and will now call all such results “Rich Results.”  Here is a short primer on everything an SEO should know about these Rich Snippets: How does Google obtain rich results? If you want the data from your site in the rich results, you will need to enable some form of structured data to the search engine spiders. There is no guarantee that the data from your site will show as a rich result, although doing so increases the likelihood. WordPress users only need to install a plugin to enable structures for their site data. What is the preferred format? The reason sites like Google insist on using structured data for displaying these results is because they allow a site to provide structure to spiders while keeping the display of the data the same for users. Google supports JSON-LD, Microdata, and RDFa, but prefers JSON-LD. Will I rank better? The markup or even appearing in the rich results will not change your ranking for other terms or even the term that appears on the page. Google shows relevant rich results for the search from any of the top 10 results on the page. How do I know if it will work? Any webmaster can use the testing tool by Google to check if the structured markup is correct. Here is an excerpt from the Google Webmaster blog: “The new tool provides a more accurate reflection of the page’s appearance on Search and includes improved handling for Structured Data found on dynamically loaded content. The tests for Recipes, Jobs, Movies, and Courses are currently supported — but this is just a first step, we plan on expanding over...

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